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Jewish Learning Fund

Yesod supports Jewish community professionals and educators in Europe in gaining knowledge and skills to feel confident expressing Jewish language and values throughout their community work.

We are committed to supporting the creation of vibrant, meaningful, Jewish life through strong communities driven by Jewishly inspired and engaged individuals. Funds up to $2,000 (USD) will be awarded for successful applications from eligible individuals and small groups.

For skills development support through coaching or training courses that are not related to Jewish learning, please visit our Professional Development Fund for more details and to arrange a consultation.

Closing date for applications to be reviewed is the last day of each calendar month.

You can apply for funds in the following categories:

  • One-to-one Jewish learning coach (Yesod Europe can help identify a suitable coach)
  • Small group Jewish learning with an educator (Yesod Europe can help identify a suitable instructor)
  • Learning programs external to Yesod Europe (including online courses of study and short- and long-term immersive in-person learning programs).

Funds will be awarded to Jewish community professionals and educators who:

  • Work in a paid, professional capacity for 16 hours a week or more, in Jewish organizations of all types that work with and develop Jewish communities. This could include, but is not limited to, youth organizations, Jewish Community Centres (JCCs), synagogues, schools, welfare and cultural organizations. Or applicants can work as freelance Jewish educators in the Jewish community, for at least 16 hours per week.
  • Are based in a European country. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept applications from the former Soviet Union outside of the Baltic states.
  • Have at least 6 months of experience working professionally in the Jewish community or as a freelance Jewish educator in the Jewish community.
  • Within each calendar year applicants may receive funding of up to 2000 USD in total, through one or multiple grants.

Funds will not be granted for training/learning opportunities that have already taken place or for those that are already supported in other ways by Yesod Europe’s partner organisations.

Within 30 days of completing the professional development opportunity you will be required to submit a short report describing the course of study, a summary of what Jewish learning you have completed, how this has impacted you directly and how this will impact your work in the future.

Payment will be made for an agreed US Dollar amount and paid in local currency via wire transfer. Funds will be paid directly to the organization, trainer or coach providing the Jewish learning service. Money will not be given directly to the applicant.

The funds must be spent within 8 months of receiving fund confirmation from Yesod.

Applicants will be contacted with a decision approximately 4 – 6 weeks after the closing date.

Please note: As part of our decision-making process, Yesod’s Director will be in touch to schedule a conversation to discuss your application in more detail and to ask additional questions.

For more information please contact us at

At this point, only applications for events will be considered, not 1-1 learning with a coach, or team learning

Closing date for applications to be reviewed is the last day of each calendar month.

Read the guidelines carefully and ensure that you are eligible.

Apply using the online application form.

If you are applying for more than one person, please use this form.

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