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Published on: Workshops

Poems for Our Days after October 7

Virtual Workshop with Dr Rachel Korazim:

Monday 9 December, 11:00-12:30 CET

The calamity of October 7 and the war that followed has greatly affected Israel and the Jewish world. As more details of the horror unfold, we face the painful daily losses in battle and the plight of the hostages, their families, and the suffering of so many affected by the war. The expression that resonates the most seems to be אין מילים – No Words!  And yet – some struggle and find words to express pain and anger, despair and abandonment as a way to cope with the ongoing tragedy.

Join Yesod Europe and Dr Rachel Korazim for a virtual workshop on Monday 9 December from 11:00-12:30 CET, exploring and analyzing poetry written as a response to the tragedy of October 7. The poems come from different parts of Israeli society and reflect many voices.

This session can be valuable for anyone seeking tools to address this tragedy personally or to bring the conversation into Jewish European communities in an educational setting.

The poems were published as part of the anthology “Shiva. Poems of October 7” by Rachel Korazim, edited and translated by R.Korazim, M. Bohnen, and H.Silverman. This anthology is available as one of the options for Yesod Europe’s Chanukah Jewish book gift this year.

Participants are requested to join from a computer rather than a mobile device and to turn on camera mode to fully participate in the workshop, including breakout room discussions. We also advise you to update to the latest version of Zoom in advance.

Dr Rachel Korazim

Rachel is a Jewish education consultant in curriculum development for Israel and Holocaust education. Rachel opens for her audiences a window to Israeli society through literature; through stories, poems and songs of the best of Israel’s writers, she invites listeners to engage with Israel in an innovative way.

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic – Rachel created a global community of hundreds of learners who meet to study Israeli poetry online regularly –

Rachel teaches at Israel’s well known learning centers such as Pardes and the Shalom Hartman Institutes as well as numerous world Jewish communities.

In her free time, Rachel enjoys scuba diving in the cenotes of Playa del Carmen in Mexico and the amazing coral sites of the Red Sea.

Rachel is also a very active grandmother of eight grandchildren who all live in Israel.

To register for this workshop please click here.

Participants are requested to join from a computer rather than a mobile device and to turn on camera mode to fully participate in the workshop, including breakout room discussions. We also advise you to update to the latest version of Zoom in advance.

Priority will be given to Jewish community professionals living and working in Europe.

We will confirm your place within 3 working days.

Please be in touch with us at with any questions.