What is Yesod’s purpose?
Yesod is dedicated to strengthening the future of Jewish Europe by investing in key individual Jewish community professionals and educators to create sustainable and meaningful European Jewish community life. We believe that individuals who are skilled, connected, valued and are inspired by Jewish values as professionals and educators will have the greatest potential for impact.
Through our founding partners’ collective experience and conversations in the field, Yesod identified a need to increase the scope of opportunities for professional development and lifelong Jewish learning – for these individuals.
How is Yesod addressing these needs?
Yesod provides a range of seminars, funds, and resources, including shared learning and connection opportunities in person and virtually. Having a framework of initiatives allows us to be responsive and flexible in meeting the professional development and lifelong Jewish learning needs of European Jewish community professionals at different stages of their careers and in all different types of roles.
Recognizing that there are some great standalone opportunities for development – one-off trainings, consultancy, mentoring – we create not only our own quality training to fill the gaps, but provide access to other opportunities so that funding, training in languages beyond English, geographic location of events, and time availability are not barriers to progression.
Who are we?
Yesod was created by three organisations – the JDC , the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies – committed to supporting and strengthening European Jewish communities. Together we share the vision of a vibrant, meaningful, Jewish life comprised of strong communities driven by inspired and engaged individuals. For more information, go to the Partners page.